Search and Destroy Pain

Pain is usually felt where there’s stress or damage, such as a joint, ligament, or nerve. But unless you discover what’s creating that damage and resolve it — your pain will simply return. The Pain Screen™ is the first appointment for DeepWave Therapy and quickly locates the exact location of cellular disruption that’s creating your chronic problem. It may even be far from the site of pain!

Immediately after we locate the source, you’ll experience your first DeepWave treatment using patented medical technology from ARPWAVE and Neux Technologies. These combined with proprietary therapy protocols will rapidly repair the source so the injury can finally recover naturally — without masking it with medication, months of PT, or surgical remodeling.

NOTE: Before booking this session — you must book a Free Virtual Consultation to discuss options and your issues in detail.

The Screening Process

A trained technician begins the screening by discussing the general location of sensed pain. Then using a mapping sensor, they will search in the general area until the patient identifies the exact location where they feel the most sensation, This is known as a “hot spot”.

Once the exact site is identified, the first treatment session immediately commences. It begins with up to ten minutes of calming energy waves delivered to the affected areas to activate the nervous system, generate blood flow to the affected tissue. Then specialized exercises that will lengthen and release damaged muscle, and reprogram the peripheral nervous system back to normal operation.

After the screening and initial treatment, the patient should experience up to 20% relief and increased range of motion within 24 hours.


We priced this amazing therapy session at just $99 (our competition charges up to $250). We do this because this technology foreign and perhaps even scary to the uninitiated. But because its efficacy is so well documented, we want everyone who experiences chronic pain to try this amazing technology! If you have chronic pain or injury, you really should add this to your recovery program!


  • Finds Origins of Pain

  • Increases Range of Motion

  • Lengthens Tight Muscles

  • Gentle and Safe Therapy

  • Speeds Healing Process

  • Calms the Nervous System

  • Affordable Approach

  • Works With Other Therapies

  • Immediate Result

  • Generates Blood Flow

  • Long Lasting Results

  • Replaces PT and Chiro

  • And Much More

How IT Works

Most traditional therapy focuses on our “physical hardware” — muscles, fascia, joints, and ligaments for example. Too often, our nervous system is overlooked or simply treated as a simple messaging system to our brain. However, it can and often does malfunction, especially after an injury, surgery, or even just a poor lifestyle.

DeepWave works on both your hardware and software systems, which makes it extremely effective. There are many modes of operation and it does require a trained practitioner to make the most of this device.