Why is Chronic Pain So Difficult To Solve?

Our bodywork is renowned for addressing pain or injury but doesn’t always solve the root cause of the problem. Careful research has led us to develop a new family of Sports Medicine therapies and corrective training led by Dr. Shane Kelly. This article introduces you to Dr. Kelly and our latest approach towards resolving complex problems using the latest technology and technique in sports science.

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Bodywork in the Covid-19 Era

The Pandemic of 2020 has completely changed how society works, plays, and receives any form of manual therapy. People still need bodywork to function properly. This article describes what changes are needed for safety purposes.

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Be a CrossFit Hero

Foam rollers and ice packs are the old standbys for CrossFit injuries. There is a better solution — Neuromuscular Therapy and professional aftercare advice to resolve and prevent future injuries, then regular Thai Sport Massage for maintaining flexibility and body maintenance.

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The Secret To Resolving IT Band Syndrome

Exercise involving repeated knee movements such as running or cycling can be subject to painful IT band Syndrome. Foam Rolling or Stretching this tendon can only make things worse. The source of the problem lies elsewhere — this article explains how to resolve this problem once and for all.

By Slava Kolpakov

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